Project PitMSFrac, Bashkortostan

From November 2021 to January 2022 Nekko LLC conducted successful pilot testing (PTT) of the PitMSFrac technology “Complex technology for perforating and multistage hydraulic fracturing in one well operation” at the objects of Bashneft.
The PitMSFrac layout allows you to perform the following operations in 1 well operation:
- Performing a punching perforation
- Install selective packer assembly opposite perforation holes and conducting hydraulic fracturing or bottomhole treatment according to design
- After flushing the well, repositioning to the next interval is performed and the operations are repeated
According to the approved pilot test program, using the PitMSFrac-114 selective well assembly, work was carried out at three wells: 5 stages of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing were performed on two wells and 6 stages of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing were performed on one well in one trip.
The use of PitMSFrac technology makes it possible to abandon the use of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing sleeves when completing wells, as a result of which the well design is significantly simplified, and the costs of its construction and subsequent operation are reduced.
Also, an important advantage of this technology, noted in the course of the work, is the ability to perforate additional sections of the string when it is impossible to carry out hydraulic fracturing in the planned zones, which will eliminate the possibility of unsuccessful opening of the reservoir and skipping the interval with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing.
The results of the pilot testing confirmed that the PitMSFrac technology works properly and performs as advertised. All activities at Bashneft facilities were performed without any non-productive time and within the framework of a single well operation.
The conducted work indicates the possibility of wide application of PitMSFrac technology during construction of new wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing.