Development of wells with a jet pump during geological exploration in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

6 highly qualified employees
2 field chemical laboratories
2 test sites
5 wells
Annual growing stock of wells with drawdown pressures, existing completion techniques are unsuitable for the geological conditions, in particular because of the large presence of fluid in the formation (during killing, drilling and hydraulic fracturing filtrates).
After prolonged development with a jet pump, replace the annulus with nitrogen, followed by bubble-out and closing the well at final pressure. This will result in a salvo underbalance and substitution of the well column for gas, there will be no repression on the formation, since the insert “Pressure Equalization Valve” and packer are installed. When replacing with nitrogen, the jet pump will continue to work, as the displaced liquid will pass through the nozzle, when gas breakthrough, there will be a double effect – ejection and gas elevator.
Gas elevator development of wells through a jet pump, fluid and gas flow rate measurements. Reduction of testing time by performing work in 1 well operation.