The well layout is designed for multi-stage production column perforation and multi-stage selective injection of fluids in 1 well operation, for carrying out multifracturing, squeeze cementing and repair and insulation operations, acid treatment, detection of production column leaks.

Container with autonomous gauges
Top packer
Container with autonomous gauges
Port of hydraulic fracturing
Lower packer
Mechanical coupling locator
Mechanical anchor
Pit perforator
Application area
Vertical, directional wells and wells with horizontal ends.
PitMSFrac technology allows to perform the following operations in 1 well operation:
- Performing a punching perforation
- Install a selective packer layout opposite the perforation holes and perform hydraulic fracturing or bottomhole treatment according to the design
- After flushing the well, reposition to the next interval and repeat the operation
- Temperature up to 140°C
- Production column diameter 102 – 178 mm
- Pressure up to 1000 atm
- Proppant pumped per 1 well operation:
– Up to 200 tons for a production string of 114 mm
– Up to 400 tons for a production casing from 146 mm
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